Your Vision. Our Technology. For more than 25 years, we have been developing and producing innovative vehicle electronics across different industries. We create suitable hardware and software solutions for your individual requirements. And we offer you state-of-the-art charging solutions in e-mobility.
In addition to our Headquarters, we have established many international locations in recent years, including the USA, Poland, Nordics, Croatia and Turkey. And our global partner network continues to grow. This enables us to realize your visions worldwide with our technology.
Günther Dörgeloh (CEO & CO-FOUNDER), Albrecht Faber (CSO)
We think innovative and work in a future-oriented way to always provide you with the most advanced technologies.
Whether in our service or our products, we offer high flexibility and focus on the needs of our customers.
Open communication, supply reliability and a spirit of partnership are particularly important to us in our cooperation with you and our business partners.
We invest in research and development and carry out recognized research and development projects. This is why we have been awarded the "BSFZ" seal of approval by the "Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage" (BSFZ).
TISAX®, short for ‘Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange’, is used for information security in the automotive industry. This ensures that companies operating in the automotive industry implement appropriate security measures for their information and systems.
We have also taken all the necessary measures to protect data, its integrity and availability in the manufacturing process and have been awarded the TISAX® label for this.
As a quality-focused and modern company, we want to take responsibility and help shape the future. Therefore, we are a member of the following organizations:
Our MRS Electronic has developed into an international company in the recent years. In addition to our Headquarters in Germany, we have further locations in the USA, Croatia, Pakistan, Poland, Latvia and Turkey as well as a strong partner network. This enables us to support you worldwide in realizing your visions.
Our processes, defined in the management system and certified since 2003 (DIN EN ISO 9001) and 2017 (IATF 16949) respectively, are designed for highest customer satisfaction and product quality. Through our close cooperation with customers and suppliers, we set the standard for high-quality and durable solutions "Made in Germany".
The environment is close to our heart, which is why we operate in a sustainable and environmentally conscious manner. We reduce and avoid waste, the use of hazardous substances and work in a resource-saving manner. We not only want to comply with legal obligations, but to expand and exceed them. Our environmental management system has been certified in accordance with the international standard DIN EN ISO 14001 since 2012.
Our focus is on ensuring the safety of our employees and maintaining their health and motivation. This includes, among other things, our fire protection plan, the provision of personal protective equipment, first aiders and evacuation assistants, continuous employee information and training, and the focus of work-life balance (e.g., JobRad, HanseFit).
We support international efforts to identify, minimize and ultimately eliminate the use of minerals from conflict or high-risk areas. Our annually updated Conflict Minerals Use Report (CMRT/EMRT) discloses this information.
We behave with integrity, comply with the law at all our sites and stand by our voluntary commitments and ethical principles. Our Code of Conduct (ZVEI/VDMA Code of Conduct) forms the foundation for our decisions and serves as a guideline for our ethically correct behaviours.
We take our social responsibility very seriously and have been committed to social communities for many years. In doing so, we support a large number of organizations from the region: