All signs point to growth. In the last few years MRS has developed into a strong medium-sized partner in the field of vehicle electronics. The number…
We have further expanded our MRS sales partner network. Distec Ltd, a specialist in hybrid technology solutions based in Manchester, is our new…
At the end of 2018, we set ourselves the task of making MRS broader and more international in the future. It's easy to set goals - achieving them is…
Over the past 20 years, MRS has developed into a strong medium-sized partner in automotive & vehicle electronics. The number of employees, company…
MRS has developed into a globally operating company with over 200 employees.
On June 29 and 30, we presented our products and solutions at the iVT Expo in Cologne, Germany. An international trade fair focusing on the latest…
The annual Girls’ Day took place on April 28, 2022 in our main location in Rottweil, Germany. The day is intended to motivate girls and women to take…
The powerful CC16WP with its 32-bit processor is now compatible with different ISOBUS stacks and certified according to ISO 11783-2 by the AEF.